Football Canterbury's Summer Sixes competition is back again for 2024!
Looking to play soccer over the summer break? Then make sure you register for our summer 6-aside league!
All games are on Thursday nights at Strathfield Park (all-weather)
U8 - U16 registration fee: $145
AA/o35 registration fee: $180
Competition will run for 10 rounds, starting on Thursday 10th October, with finals played on Thursday 12th December
Get your team together
Each team needs a Team Coach, a minimum of 6 players, and a maximum of 10.
Submit your team nomination form
Once you have your team together, submit the Team Nomination form below.
You will need:
Name and contact details of your Team Coach
Your age group
The full names and shirt sizes of every player on your team
To nominate your team click here.
Register to play through Dribl
Once you've submitted your Team Nomination Form every player in the team needs to register individually through Dribl:
Select Russell Lea Women's Soccer Club
Select FC Sixes 2024
Enter your registration details
To register click here.
If you have any questions, or want to find a team to join, contact summersixes@rlwsc.com.au.