All volunteers need to register through PlayFootball. This is in addition to registering your child or yourself as a player.
It is club policy that all officials obtain a Working With Children Check regardless of the age group in which they are involved. You can get that process started by clicking here.
If you have any issues in regards to registration please contact
COACH & Managers

Information to get through the season for the wonderful volunteers who take on the role of coach or manager.
Presentation slides from the 2023 Coaches & Managers meeting.
The necessary paperwork for paying and claiming game day referees.
Match day instructions for team officials.
Field allocations for training nights.
Wet Weather

Training - check field closures from the City of Canada Bay Council.
Wet Weather Hotline - 9911 6375.
Game Day - check field status on the CDSFA Dribl app/website
Always check match status on Dribl in case your game is moved to an all weather field
Pending - Match going ahead
Washout Rescheduled - Match is postponed and will be rescheduled
Washout Cancelled - Match is cancelled and will not be rescheduled
Canteen/GO Duty

Rosters for Canteen Duty, field set up and field pack away.
Instructions for what you need to do when it is your teams turn to run the canteen and ground official duties
Additional information for the ground official volunteers
Other Match Day Resources

Keep up to date with fixtures, results, and leaderboards on Dribl
Free coaching resources from Football Australia
The rules that govern all CDSFA competitions
Format and rules of the Minitildas competition
Laws of the game as set out by the International Football Association Board (IFAB)
You can also find more useful information on our Policies page including:
Code of Conduct
Player Rotation Policy
Reserves & Forfeits Policy
Child Safe Policy
Establishing & Maintaining Boundaries
Canteen Duty Handbook
Ground official Information